Ceilings preserve historical identity in an iconic hotel in Oslo

Good acoustics do not have to compromise on creativity and good design. Vika Bygg's installation of Rockfons Sonar ceiling at Hotel Bristol shows how a classic and white acoustic ceiling changes the overall look of the interior with a creatively printed pattern. The ceiling helps to preserve the hotel's historic identity.
The historic and traditional Hotel Bristol, located in the heart of Oslo, has new ceilings in the Moorish Ballroom. A traditional pattern is printed on the Sonar ceiling to preserve the hotel's identity. Vika Bygg, which specializes in system ceilings and ceilings, has recently installed ceiling tiles from Rockfon in the venerable Ballsalen. Here, the ceiling fitter Roy Wårheim had the opportunity to take part in a more creative roof installation than usual.

Acoustics and creative design

Leading supplier of acoustic ceilings of rock wool, Rockfon, offers unique products and solutions according to customers' needs. General manager, Jonny Aas, at Rockfon in Norway says that good acoustics do not have to compromise on good design:
- Rockfon Sonar is a ceiling in rock wool with a classic and smooth surface. It has sound absorption in class A, and then the surface structure is smooth and therefore it can be upgraded with a printed pattern. This is a method many architects may not be aware of, because too many ceilings are about acoustics and sound, but we see that design and appearance have become a more important part of customers' choice of ceilings. We are happy to meet this demand.

Here it is only the imagination that sets limits

Roy Wårheim has had his company Vika Bygg for 15 years, and he has collaborated with Rockfon since he started.
- I have good experience with this plate, and it is easy to mount. It was fun to see that the ceiling helped to give a holistic expression and preserve the ballroom's identity, along with paintings worthy of protection and art on the walls. This is the first time I perform a roof installation like this. Wårheim continues:
- Usually I work with white roofs, and I was actually not aware that a pattern could be printed on Rockfon's Sonar plate. This has given me new opportunities to work with customers who want a more creative and different look on the ceiling. It is a unique solution that I would encourage my clients to choose in projects where it may be relevant.
Rockfon Sonar gives full design freedom thanks to many edge alternatives and module sizes, Aas says:
- Here the customer has the opportunity to choose what the pattern or appearance should look like, and it is only the imagination that sets limits, Aas concludes.

Hotel Bristol

Hotel Bristol,
Kristian IVs gate,
Oslo, Norway

Hotel Bristol

Location:Oslo, Norway
Tiles:Rockfon Sonar®
Dimensions:600 x 600

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