Rockworld imagery, circularity, recycling, reuse
Stone wool is recyclable. In fact it can be recycled again and again...

Did you know?

Energy-efficient building renovations that use our solutions contribute to reducing energy consumption now and in the future. Correctly designed and insulated buildings are critical in ensuring optimal energy efficiency and sustainable cities.

Read more about thermal insulation solutions at our sister brand.

ROCKWOOL Insulation
RockWorld imagery, The big picture, urban, city, buildings

Why stone wool acoustic solutions

Other Our Thinking themes

Part of the ROCKWOOL Group

The products in the ROCKWOOL Group are diverse and all contribute to shaping a circular economy, enhancing resource efficiency, and nurturing the safety, health and well-being of those who make and use our products. Visit our sister brands to learn how they, too, work to release the power of stone, or read the story about us all at  the ROCKWOOL Group website.